Our “research and innovation, made in Baden” was visited by the Members of Federal and State Parliament today!


We at Innolith were delighted to welcome Olav Gutting, Member of Federal Parliament of Germany and Ulli Hockenberger, Member of Parliament of the State of Baden-Württemberg in #Bruchsal and grateful for the support German government offers for the EV battery manufacturing in Germany and, in particular, our break-through battery innovation that has ambition to power EV industry in Germany, EU and beyond. Thank you both for your dedication to energy transition, time and encouragement. Mr. Gutting, your words have stayed with us: “Something really big can be achieved here. Research and innovation made in Baden. We need to improve the framework conditions for more future opportunities.” Indeed! Great visit and very promising industry outlook indeed! We are looking forward to champion battery innovation in Baden-Württemberg together.

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